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Here you will hopefully find all the information that you need to build a wonderful working relationship with me. Feel free to browse, listen and explore and let me know what you think!
Cheers JeJu
Is my passion sapien massa, a imperdiet diam. Aliquam erat volutpat.
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Height: 5'7" / 170 cm
Shoe Size: 38
Hair: blonde
Eyes: green-blue
Languages: English (native language father) Dialect (US Eastcoast, Midatlantic) German (native language mother) Dialect (Berlinerisch, Ruhrpott) French-Spanish Basics
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Please note that I am currently residing in Berlin, Germany but am open to productions anywhere in the world. I hold a US and German passport and so are able to work legally across Europe and the US.
Claudia Dilay Hauf
S. Gall
M. Hofschneider
J. Gern
N. Grützmacher
Description: cool, real, fresh, young, engaging, smart, articulate, energetic
English (neutral, Mid Atlantic), English (North America), French, German
Clients (Selection): KSPG Automotives, Cebit, Tamron, Art of writing, GSEP, Linde/Union Investment, Palabea, Aktion Mensch, Spotify, Dermaceutical, SWR3 Radio, WDR, Flairesse, New Media Award, PCH Innovations, Big Rep, Cetecom, Talanx, Audi
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Misc/Specials: very good singer, versatile, jodeln, Mezzo-Sopran, Musical, Jazz, Pop, Blues, Soul
Voice usage: Commercials, Audio Ads, Documentaries, E-Learning, Comics, Jingles, Songs, Dubbing/ADR, Games, Presentations, Web Videos, Telephone
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